Saswata Chatterjee Adds Momentum in Stopping Migratory Harassment Movement

By R. Subrata (TNI Siliguri) | TNI Editing Siliguri
Webdesk, TNI Siliguri, 24th November, 2018: Environment based voluntary organization named ‘Optopic’ today organized an awareness meet near Fulbari barrage. The main motive of Optopic was to increase the awareness among the people in the surrounding areas about the necessity of stopping the harassment of the migratory birds by the annual picnickers in the adjoining areas. Mr. Dipjyoti Chakraborty already informed the press that they are fighting for the cause for some time and had brought results. It has increased the rise in the number of the migratory birds to 35% from the last year. This time the Tollygunj celebrity and Actor Saswata Chatterjee was roped in by the organization to increase the momentum of the movement. Many localites were seen participating in the meet and also get a glimpse of the actor in their neighborhood. Overall, according to the organizers the program went on smoothly according to the schedule.